Pickleball Net Reservations
The HOA has purchased a pickleball net, paddles and balls for use by Lakes at Rocky Ridge Community members on the tennis courts that border our community and we have implemented a reservation system for those who wish to use this equipment.
Community Pickleball Group
A group from the community meet weekly on Tuesdays at 10:30 am to play. Drop in to join in a game, or e-mail activity.lakeclub@outlook.com if you wish to connect with these players and be included on communication.
Please reserve your timeslot above, to a maximum of 3 hours.
The pickleball equipment is stored in the Lake Club Gym (alongside the shelving unit as you enter the Gym) and can be collected here at the start of your timeslot.
Equipment should be returned to the Lake Club Gym before your 3 hour timeslot is up
This booking is for the HOA pickleball equipment only. The tennis courts cannot be reserved and are available on a first-come-first-served basis. The City of Calgary owns and operates the tennis courts and their rules are posted on the tennis court enclosure and on the City website here. Playing time is not guaranteed, however if a group is using the court, they have 30 minutes to finish their game and allow access to the court. The City of Calgary has informed us that this particular tennis court cannot be reserved as there is only one tennis court at this location. The Lakes at Rocky Ridge HOA is not responsible for any communication with the City of Calgary should any disputes arise with persons using the courts.
The HOA asks that you be respectful of the pickleball equipment and return it to the Gym in the condition you find it in. If you do notice any damage, or wear and tear that requires attention, please notify the Lake Club Manager (activity.lakeclub@outlook.com).
The equipment is for use by The Lakes at Rocky Ridge HOA members and their families and friends only.
The HOA is not responsible for any injury or accident that may occur as a result of the use of the pickleball net, paddles and balls.
